Kevin Greaves

King David PS95

Hi and welcome to the King David project!

The King David project started over two decades ago with the song ‘Psalm 95.. and then took many more years to develop to what it is today.The meaning of the title ‘King David came from the Biblical quote that the character was ‘A man after God's own heart’. King David was no perfect angel, but he did very unexpected things that showed many valuable things about who we can all be at best.

In the face of an impossible situation, this shepherd boy made a historic stand against the giant Goliath and defeated him.We all have an adversary that may seem impossible to defeat but God is greater than any foe that is an enemy of our souls.

To begin this journey I more gravitate towards a fusion of guitar and synth, of what I would call an industrial sound, a sort of hard rock with the veneer of synthesisers. As things move on I fully intend to widen this to include other more subtle reflections I will borrow from other genres.

The Artist

My name is Kevin, and I am a musician from Birmingham in the UK.The King David project is ready now to present to anyone who will listen and be provoked, inspired or entertained.You can watch the preceding video, it explains more, telling the story and perhaps is more riveting in a visual form, having said that, I have written below a small biography about the project.I’ve written three albums worth of music scheduled for release depending on how the music is received and what interest there is.All album instrumentation creation and performances are done by myself.

Over the years of playing in music projects with various individuals I developed an aptitude to build a music project that would reflect a more eclectic and progressive expression of music, I also wanted to share my own life experience regarding my spiritual growth and belief.

The Albums

At this stage I have written 24 songs and one instrumental, that I have divided up into three album projects, which are named as follows:A work in Progress
The Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus is Lord
In the future I hope to start work on another album which I have named:Of Praise Glory and Honour.
With this album I hope to further push the boundaries of the music style and scope.

So then back to the present….
I am introducing the King David Project with my first collection of 8 songs from my debut album -
‘A Work In Progress’ that is Out Now!.
You can listen to the album below:

At this stage....
I am a solo artist, so I do not have a band to play live shows as yet, but I fully intend to create a live unit depending on the interest and success of the project.
My vision is to create a dynamic live show that is accompanied by some sort of interesting visuals that will further colour and excite the presentation of the music.Thank you for your interest and time.Blessings and best regards,

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© 2024 King David PS95 Music.
All rights reserved.